Monday, May 23, 2011

Perspective from Both Sides: Nina's Birth Story

Great birth story from a friend of mine from college! Thanks Nina for sharing!

Sawyer Reed Junkin arrived on December 20th, 2009 at 0058! To tell his birth story I feel like I need to recount Bronner's. Bronner was born on November 10th, 2008 after a medically indicated induction for cholestasis of pregnancy. I had wanted to go natural then and tried but ended up getting an epidural at 7cm. I was on a lot of pitocin and ctxing well. I changed positions and tried everything I knew but I had not prepared enough nor had I anticipated the strength of the pit contractions. I had tried to "entertain" our family in the beginning instead of concentrating on each and every contraction whether they hurt or not. NOT that I am saying our family wanted / needed to be entertained but when there were people in the room talking no matter how quite they were whispering it was hard to concentrate. Knowing that they were in the waiting room, waiting on me to do something was also distracting. SO anyways. I ended up with an epidural and puked through the pushing phase. After an hour or so I was over it. Not the pushing but the puking. So I begged for forceps. I didn't have to ask much as when Dr T walked in all I could do was puke. Bronner was really low and it was an easy forceps assisted delivery. He did great, we did skin to skin, and he nursed well, although he was not near as alert as Sawyer was. I ended up with a significant episitomy/tear and side wall lacs. Not so much fun! I had to go upstairs in a bed b/c I was still so numb from my epidural. Dr L put it in, did a fab job but I just didn't like the way it made me feel. Unable to move and out of control. From the day I delivered I was disappointed in my experience and myself. Wishing I would have tried just a little bit longer to continue without an epidural.

So in April when I found out we were expecting again I began to prepare. I read a lot, talked to people who had done it before, and prayed. Really seriously prayed for the outcome that I felt God had laid on my heart. And I prepared my husband. He was not thrilled about the idea in the least bit. He was scared something would happen and without an epidural, off to sleep I would go and deliver a baby without even knowing it. But he came around as he saw how dedicated I was. He just said whatever I decided he would support and he did a great job! So as I neared term I got more and more excited. Wednesday night at work I ran into Dr. T in the hallway. We chatted, I told her I was ctxing a lot, and she said well don't jinx yourself and let your water break. I replied: oh nothing will happen this weekend. Have fun with your fam for Christmas and off we went. Me back to work and her home to her sweet boys. Thursday and Friday pass with nothing happening. Friday night Jeremy's mom and dad came over to spend the night and we went to dinner and finished Christmas shopping while they babysat. Saturday morning I woke up and stood up and my water broke at 0730 at 37 weeks and 4 days. I was unsure since I had a full bladder and you know sometimes when your preggo with a full bladder things can leak. Well when it kept running down my leg I was pretty convinced but not wanting to look silly I didn't call immediately. Sawyer was moving well and I wasn't contracting much. Well I didn't leak for awhile and Jeremy and his dad wanted to run some errands, so thinking that maybe it really wasn't my water I sent them on their way. Well a little while later I felt another gush, noticed I was bleeding and called Katie. She was like yeah your really need to call, so I called Jeremy and had them come on home and jumped in the shower. I called Dr H, who was on call for Dr T, and off to the hospital we went. Nitrazine was positive indicating that my water had broken but blood also turns it positive and they thought this is why it was positive and the spec negative. They even looked at slides and they said negative as well. So feeling silly Jeremy and I headed home. We stopped and did some last minute Christmas shopping on the way home and I continued to leak. We got home and Jeremy's mom and dad left to go do some shopping. Well about 7pm, after leaking all day I called up to work and asked what I should do, not wanting to bother Dr H again. Well he happened to be standing right there and said I really needed to come back. So we left Bronner with Jeremy's parents to put to bed and we went back. Here the real story begins!

We got to LDR 15 at 2015 and got changed, into bed, and on the monitor. My friend Kelley was taking care of me until we confirmed rupture and then Katie was going to come in. At 2026 Kelley and Dr H looked in the speculum and both agreed that I was NOT ruptured. I just kept saying but I am leaking all the time and they replied well it's dry down here. Like really really dry there is no fluid. So feeling silly again I asked if we could just stay for awhile and see if I leaked. Dr H agreed and I decided to turn on my side the way I was positioned when I first noted the leaking early that morning. At 2050 I had another leak and called Kelley back and she confirmed that indeed I was ruptured and no I wasn't crazy! She called me 3cm/50% but we were officially having a baby that night. At 2115 Katie had taken over and Dr H broke my forebag of water and we waited for the contractions to start. At 2135 they started and IV so that I could get antibiotics since I had indeed been ruptured for over 12 hours. At 2207 I got my first dose. Our protocol states that you have to been on antibiotic therapy for 4 hours prior to delivery or the baby will have to stay a mandatory 48 hours and have blood cultures drawn. Well we didn't think that would be a problem but thankfully it was! At 2235 Katie started my pitocin at 2 milliunits. At 2300 we went up to 4 and I still wasn't hurting and was only contracting every 5-6 mins. At 2320 we increased it again to try and get the contractions closer together. So up to 6 we went and I was still tolerating it well. At 2350 I was starting to get a little uncomfortable and felt like the contractions were to close together so we went back down to 4 milliunits. At 2359 I wanted to know how I was doing to mentally prepare myself so I had Katie check me. I was
5.5cm/85%/-1. Feeling like I needed to do something I flipped over to my hands and knees and started to become much more uncomfortable. At 0020 I was getting super uncomfortable and started contemplating whether or not I really wanted to do this. Jeremy and Katie did a great job encouraging me, telling me how great I was doing, reminding me why I wanted to do this and rubbing my back. Katie rechecked me at this point and I was 7cm. At 0022 I specifically remember looking at the clock and thinking I can't do this anymore. It was the first time I started to doubt myself and really hurt with the contraction. Katie and Jeremy kept reminding me that this just meant that I was getting closer to delivery. I asked Katie to turn the Pitocin off and see if that would help a little bit and she did. At 0024 I got off my hands and knees and onto the birthing ball. At 0031 the puking started and I knew I must be close but kept saying "I can't do this". Both Katie and Jeremy kept encouraging me anyways. At 0043 I felt like pushing and Katie checked me and I was 9cm/-1. Dr H was called and notified of my exam but he was in the OR doing a C/S. Hopefully he would be done in time but if not Katie would be delivering little Sawyer! At 0048 I was still 9 and thought I really wanted my epidural. Katie told me no and that I might hate her now but would be glad in a little while. She was so right! At 0051 I was sitting up on the side of the bed and Jeremy was rubbing my hair. Both him and Katie kept telling me how great I was doing. I had been praying for just a little break. Well it might not have been as long as I thought but I didn't have a contraction for what seemed like 5 mins. Next thing I know I threw myself back on the bed and told Katie that he was coming. That was at 0056. Laying on my left side I pushed little Sawyer into the world at 0058! He was perfect in every way. Weighing in at 7lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. Dr H barely made it in time for delivery but did a good job helping me not to tear. After one stitch and lots of emotions it was all over. The delivery I had planned and prayed for!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Birth Stories

I want to start posting 1 or 2 birth stories on here a week. I feel like reading about other people's experiences can help you as you prepare yourself. I feel like there is tons of information out there about epidurals and why they are so wonderful. Unfortunately the side effects of the drugs on mom and baby are not as widely talked about either. And when women want a drug free labor and birth people start trying to put fear in them. It happened a lot to me with my first daughter. People would hear we wanted a natural birth and say things like "good luck. you've never felt pain like labor pains" or ask "are you sure you know what you're getting into? what is your back up if you can't handle it?". Those comments and questions made me scared of labor. Fortunately my husband was very encouraging and helped me learn to trust my body. It was made for this. It knows what to do. And it did...naturally. I loved when I came across someone who had had their baby without medications. They empowered me and encouraged me. I clung to their story. My best friend had her first baby two months before I had my first baby (hopefully she will share her story here as well!). She had him in the hospital completely drug free. Hearing her talk about her experience really encouraged me to say "I will do this!". So I hope these birth stories will empower you as well if you are expecting or maybe encourage you to have your next little one naturally. I have had two very different labors, both without any medication, and can say wholeheartedly it was the best experience of my life!

So who wants to go first?? Leave a comment and I'll get in touch with you about how to do so!! I can't wait to read people's experience!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Natural Home Birth

Ok so I didn't do so hot tracking my pregnancy. Honestly, it just went by really fast. I lost track of time I think. The pregnancy was easy overall which I am thankful for. I did develop PUPPPs the last 4 weeks which was miserable. But other than some scars on my legs I am no worse for the wear and we have our sweet little Hadley here now.

The birth went amazingly. Hadley was born at home at 4:06AM on March 25 (what is it with babies wanting to come in the middle of the night?!?). The birth was fast, taking only 2 hours and 50 minutes. The contractions were intense but somehow I stayed relaxed and in my element. Kevin did a great job of encouraging me and supporting me. We are so thankful to have had another home birth where we could relax and enjoy our family afterwards. Ayda adjusted beautifully to her new sister arriving. I really feel like some of that is because mommy and daddy never went anywhere. I put Ayda to bed Thursday night, she woke up Friday morning and sister had arrived, and I was there for bed time Friday night. Her routine didn't change a whole lot. We also didn't have any visitors all weekend. Just family that was at the house anyway and us. It was wonderful!

Since Hadley was born 7 weeks ago life is resuming as it should. I feel more confident going places with both girls. I have healed well. Our new routine is in place and we are doing great. Hadley sleeps great at night, only getting up once to eat. She is a happy baby that is quite content. I love having two little girls!

I'm also looking to change this blog up a bit. I want to be better about posting information for my students and also anyone interested in reading. Toes might get stepped on but just know I am not judging anyone. My thoughts about pretty much anything is if you do research and educate yourself before making the decision you do, then great. I get frustrated when people just do what their doctor says without question. Share your thoughts, feelings, disagreements, etc. I love hearing different sides of the story and learning new information!

So here goes...

Monday, January 17, 2011

30 Weeks

Wow we finally hit 30 weeks. I am a little stressed that really I need things to be ready at 37 weeks for this baby and nothing is done. I am going to ATL this week and when I get back I plan to get crazy busy! I can't wait!

I got my glucose test results back and all is well. I was not worried but it's still nice to know. She said it was perfect. My platelets did drop some so I am taking a B complex vitamin and Alfalfa along with my prenatal vitamin. That should do the trick! I'm hoping!

I'm getting more and more excited by the day to have this little one. I can't wait to meet him/her and start our family of four! I really feel Ayda will do great. I am praying she embraces this little one with love and kindness. That she won't feel threatened by him/her. I feel peace that the transition will go smoothly!

Until next time...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Time is Flying!

I didn't realize that the last time I blogged here was when I was 12 weeks. Yikes! Now that I am entering my THIRD trimester I guess I had better get caught up on the second trimester. Sheesh!

Fortunately it was very uneventful! I started feeling our sweet baby around 15 weeks and it was very obvious that is what it was. This baby, like Ayda, did not leave me wondering "was that it?". Kevin felt him/her at around 16-17 weeks. Ayda loved to show off her kicking for anyone but this baby seems more shy. As soon as you put a hand on my tummy the kicking immediately stops. It is really funny.

I have felt great through the second trimester as well. There were several weeks that I said if I didn't feel the little kicks throughout the day I would forget I was pregnant. I had wonderful energy, no nausea, no sciatica, and no other aches. I have exercised way more with this baby and even been able to jog some. I feel great. My weight gain is the only thing frustrating me. I have gained way more weight already than I did with Ayda. It stinks but I also know I am eating healthier on average than I did with her and exercising. So I don't know why the weight is coming on so much but I feel healthier so I am going with it. I'll worry about the pounds after the baby is out.

I hit 27 weeks yesterday which is hard to believe. I feel like the next three months will go so fast and the baby will be here. I decided to do the glucose test again this time around because our midwife has a more holistic approach to it. I originally said I wasn't going to do it again because I was negative for gestational diabetes with Ayda and I felt like drinking a super sugary drink is not the healthiest idea for me or baby. But our midwife prefers I eat a very specific diet of protein and carbs and then have the blood drawn an hour after. I'll have to be very prepared that morning to eat such a breakfast and then jump in the car and get to the center but I was ok with that. I feel like it is easier on my body to test that way. After that test in a couple weeks we won't be testing for anything else. We'll just wait till I go into labor!

We opted out of using a doppler to hear the baby's heart beat after the 12 week appointment. So we didn't hear the sweet sound at 16 or 20 weeks. But alas at 24 weeks we finally picked it up with the fetoscope!!! It was around 150. I have been able to hear it with my regular stethoscope a couple times since which is neat. I counted around 150 both times again. Consistent baby!

I think that gets me caught up! I'll really try to blog after my appointments from now on. At least then I'll have something to say perhaps!

Monday, September 13, 2010

12 Weeks!!

Wow! I hit 12 weeks yesterday! I'm so excited. I have a midwife appointment on thursday and then we will FINALLY make our announcement and I will publish these posts! I can't wait!

This has definitely been a different pregnancy. I was not expecting it to go this way at all. I was so yucky feeling with Ayda. This go round I am definitely nauseous and tired but I eat like no other! I crave things all the time. I have been a big consumer of Hamburgers. Which if you know me you know I do not eat hamburgers on a regular basis. Maybe twice a year I will want a good ole hamburger. The rest of the time I am quite content with chicken or fish. Not the case the past several weeks. But my midwife did say my iron is exceptional for being pregnant! That's a plus I risk of anemia here. I also have taken an interest in wings. Another completely random thing. I am not sure when I last tried a wing out but boy they are good!!! Kevin is loving this new side of me...actually he is proud that this baby is more like him! With Ayda I wanted Mexican food, fruit, yogurt, etc. More healthy options. This kiddo is going to kill me before he/she is born! I am hoping as I enter second trimester I can regain my normal eating habits back! It is getting better already. I can get in the more healthy food options. At least I know I am knocking out the protein requirement!

We are excited for our appointment on Thursday. We don't do ultra sounds because we just don't feel they are safe. There are studies that have been done that show evidence that they can warm the fluid the baby is in or displace cells (which I don't want to displace cells that are trying to become a liver, heart, lungs, etc). We do feel that when medically necessary, it is a technology that is nice to have. So anyway, we don't get ultrasounds but we will let our midwife do a quick doppler on Thursday at our appointment. After thursday we will only hear our baby's heart beat through a Fetoscope in order to keep the radiation out of there. Then when I am in labor they have to use the doppler again to monitor the baby which is fine. It is the most accurate compared to a fetoscope and I want accuracy when we are at home! I'm very anxious to hear that sweet swish swish swish sound on thursday. It will be a family affair mom, kevin's mom, kevin, Ayda and I will all be there! And our midwife of course! She will get her first taste of what she is dealing with. Our family is a HUGE support system for us and we are thrilled it is that way! Just might make the room a little crowded! I wouldn't have it any other way though!

Hopefully on thursday or friday I'll be publishing these posts! I can't wait!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I see the end...

Of the first trimester!!! I always love thinking about all that is happening in the first trimester. It is truly the time of setting up the foundation for this little baby. But...I am also very anxious to get into the second trimester! Feel the sweet movements, not have nausea anymore, regain some energy. I must admit this pregnancy has been so different than my pregnancy with Ayda was. I have not been nearly as sick!!! I have nausea if I don't eat every 1-2 hours which is interesting, but it is manageable. I am so thankful. Poor Ayda was very disturbed the one time (so far) she saw me throwing up so perhaps it is for her sake that I have felt good!

I met our midwife last week for my first appointment. I was super nervous about having a different midwife for this baby but I really liked her. Debbie took such good care of us in ATL but I have full confidence that Robyn will take good care of us here in Florida! And of course, we are planning for another home birth. After our experience with Ayda I could not even consider anything else. We have the birth center option here in Florida but that would be a step backwards for us.

We have not, and don't plan to have an ultrasound again. I will admit it is tough seeing friend's show off their pics of their growing babies but we just feel it is best to not do them. I remember when I finally saw Ayda and held her in my arms it was amazing because I had NO clue what she looked like. Not even something as simple as does she have an over bite...which she does! It was a neat feeling to know I only imagined what she would look like and had no sneak peaks. So the same will be with this little one as long as there is no true medical reason to do one.

I started another Bradley series which will be so neat to teach knowing I have to do everything with the couples as well. I told them to hold me accountable as well. I have practiced my relaxation a lot already simply because I know it helps me to unwind. It has helped ease a bad case of nausea, headaches, and even some of the fatigue. I love it! I hope to get one more series in before the baby is born and then I'll take a little break to enjoy the newest addition to our family! I just can't wait for March to come!!!

More in a few weeks!